Saturday, October 29, 2011

November News

We have had another wonderful month of dancing.  I am so proud of the dancers for working so hard! We are learning and developing our skills, as well as working on performace pieces for the May 5 recital. Please remember that the November payment of $25 is due at your dancer's first November class. 
There will be no classes on Thursday, Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving).

The costume payment of $65 will be due with the December payment.  I will be measuring for costumes before Christmas break.  I will put together a booklet to show you the costumes after the Christmas holiday. 

Enjoy the pictures of some of the students using our new ballet barres!  I will post more pictures soon!
This link has a wonderful dictionary with pictures of some of the ballet terms we are learning:

Using the barre to help us keep our balance and turn out our posse.